Safer structures with enhanced survivability in response to abnormal loads as well as aging through structural health evaluation, such as in this project. Long term goals include:
- Examine dynamics phenomena to improve R&D in general.
- Improve damage detection from component to system levels.
- Determine appropriate sensing to characterize both ductile and brittle failure during progressive collapse.
- Aid in decision support for first and advanced responders for the four Rs (repair, rehabilitate, raze or replace).
- Perform dynamic experimental studies that contribute to literature.
Topics include statistical threshold determination of structural “health” for decision-making; evaluation of damage indicators for real structural systems; response and damage due to various excitations, including generalized transients, contact/impact, blast, and multi-hazard combinations; fundamental understanding of coupled axial, torsional, and transverse vibrations; vibration reduction, absorption, and control techniques; health and maintenance of nuclear structures, including fuel bundles and steam generator tubes; multi-scale and self-sensing materials that could advance smart structures; and advanced instrumentation and sensing technology areas.
Lab Vision ............ Lab Information Sheet
Project Posters: